When I was running my Yoga school I worked with a Brazilian man who used different frequencies of sound to balance a brain that was experiencing seizures, or vertigo.
I feel like the hands each emit their own frequency, whether of some inaudible sound, or an energetic wavelength.
The brain acts as an antenna to all sorts of information, but it appears to be particularly attuned to the energy of human presence.
The intention and stability of the practitioner’s being, Mind, way of life, are transmitted from the Heart and through the hands, and can be transmitted over distances. Physical contact is not strictly required. It should be stated that physical contact can make transmission more potent.
There is always room for something mystical or unexplainable to happen during a session. The practice does not snugly fit into concept accepted by science, and it lies slightly beyond the realm of spirituality.
As a practitioner I accept that what happens is good, and understanding that too much of a good thing can be harmful, I am careful to respect the limits of everybody I meet.
There is so much more we can do with our hands than we realise in every day life. It is up to you much you want to learn in this life. We are here to guide you when you make this decision.